Customs Information
Before undertaking any shipment it is important you look into the requirements for the destination country. Each country has its own set of rules, regulations and restrictions so you need to make sure you are fully aware of implications of shipping your consignment. While Elite Shipping Ltd will try to guide customers where they can it is the shipper & importers responsibility to have checked into the implications of being a commodity into their chosen destination country and that they are allowed to bring the goods in . It is always expected when we undertake a shipment for any customer that this has been looked into prior to asking us to book as shipment. We also expect that the shipper/ importer has checked with the relative authorities what paperwork is required to allow entry of goods into the chosen destination and that this is arranged and in place prior to the shipment taking place. In some cases subject to what the paperwork needed may be we can make arrangements to assist in providing certain legal documents, but this will only ever be done on the request of a customer. Elite Shipping Ltd cannot be held in any way responsible for any shipment being rejected due to not having correct paperwork in place for that country or not being allowed entry due to the commodity being a banned commodity. Under no circumstances will we be accountable for any charges should a shipment have to be re-exported or destroyed due to the above reasons. We will always do our best to guide our customers where possible or refer them to the correct governing bodies to seek advice but can only offer advice and cannot be held accountable either for any mis-information given, rules and regulations for each country is specific to that county and change regularly which is why it is of upmost importance that any shipment that you are looking into undertaking is checked into thoroughly before placing a booking with ourselves.
Every shipment, no matter the country has to be cleared through customs in some way, even in EC countries there may be some sort of customs clearance still in place, so it important you are aware that there will be paperwork needed to be filled out and possible charges to pay to an agent locally once your consignment arrives. If you haven’t been quoted through to your door then this will certainly be the case, most shipments that we are arrange are to the port and will not include any local charges. You will need to check with the relative authorities in the destination country as to what charges you may be liable for once your consignment arrives.
Duties and taxes
When importing or exporting there may be duties and taxes to pay on your consignment so it is important you check to see if this is the case. For the majority of personal effects shipments this should not be the case; however certain countries have their own rules in place so it is important you ascertain what that countries requirements are before you arrange export.
Elite Shipping Ltd always endeavor to give you accurate information but can only offer advice, it is ultimately your responsibility that you have made the appropriate enquiries. We cannot be held responsible for any misinformation that may be given.